Monday, June 8, 2009

Dr. Mary Newport Shares Her Husband's Coconut Oil Cure For Alzheimer's
at:2009-05-12 22:11:59 Click: 0
Dr. Mary Newport with her Alzheimer's disease-stricken husband SteveOne of the worst possible neurological diseases people could ever be diagnosed with is Alzheimer's disease. From the memory loss to weight loss to depression, it's a sad state for the people afflicted with it as well as the family members who are left to deal with a loved one who may or may not recognize them on a day-to-day basis. With 5.3 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer's disease today with a new case being identified every 70 seconds, finding a solution for this problem is a serious topic worthy of discussion. Today's podcast guest stumbled upon an unexpected dietary "cure" for her husband's Alzheimer's disease.In Episode 240 of "The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore," we are privileged to hear from Dr. Mary Newport who I first found out about after reading this St. Petersburg Times story about how feeding her husband coconut oil greatly IMPROVED his Alzheimer's. It was such an extraordinary story that I just HAD to book her for an interview to tell this remarkable story to my listeners. She correctly identifies the glucose connection to Alzheimer's disease which is now becoming well-known as Type 3 diabetes, how ketone bodies are the preferred fuel for brain function, and why medium chain triglycerides (MTCs) found in coconut oil are a miracle for her husband's condition. This is one of the most stunning personal testimonies of how a high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet can dramatically improve health. You can't help but be a believer after listening to Dr. Newport gush about her husband Steve is overcoming his tremors, regain cognitive function, and DEFEATING his Alzheimer's.There are FOUR ways you can listen to Episode 240:1. Listen and comment about the show at iTunes:2. Listen and comment about the show at the official web site:3. Download the MP3 file of Episode 240 [42:01m]:4. Calling (818) 688-2763 to listen via PodlinezSubscribe to the RSS feed or you can click on the "Subscribe" button at iTunes. If you are having trouble, then watch this video tutorial from my producer Kevin Kennedy-Spaien. What do you think about Dr. Mary Newport's personal story of using coconut oil with MCT oil to improve her husband's Alzheimer's disease? Do you believe this is an effective plan for people dealing with neurological ailments? Tell us your reaction in the show notes section of Episode 240. Today, she is sharing what she has learned about coconut oil and why it works so well in treating Alzheimer's disease at her web site Coconut Ketones. And if you missed my podcast interview with Dr. Larry McCleary earlier this year when he discussed low-carb, MCTs, and brain health, then be sure to check it out, too! If you're interested in getting this in your own diet, then check out Premium MCT Gold and Nutiva Coconut Oil (the BEST brand I've found!). CONGRATULATIONS to Dr. Newport and her husband Steve for showing there are natural, dietary cures for preventable diseases that people too often rely on prescription drugs to help them.Coming up on Thursday, I'll have Katie Jay who recently started on her own low-carb journey after going through weight loss surgery and founding an organization called the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery (NAWLS). She authored a book about her weight struggle called Dying To Change: My Really Heavy Life Story, How Weight Loss Surgery Gave Me Hope for Living and she's going through her own low-carb journey to better health now that could positively influence those she comes into contact with through her organization. Tune it to hear Katie's story on Thursday!PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE MESSAGE OF THIS SHOW! If you have not already done so, please go to the iTunes page for my podcast, click on "Write a Review" and share what my podcast means to you. And if you'd like to financially support this podcast, then please consider clicking on the "Donate" button on the side panel of the podcast web site. We appreciate your generosity and support! THANK YOU for listening to "The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore."

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